Vegetarian salad recipes
From a green salad to meal salads, our recipes are designed to meet your needs for nutritious and delicious options. Enjoy the best ingredients and bring a touch of creativity to your dining table with our recipes.
The best vegetarian salad recipes from HelloFresh
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Frequently asked questions about vegetarian salad recipes
What is the healthiest salad?
Kale and spinach are among the healthiest types of leafy greens. If you are not a fan of these vegetables as a salad base, romaine lettuce is the healthiest option among the 'real' types of lettuce. In general, the darker the leaves and the looser they are, the healthier the type of lettuce.
Where does the name salad come from?
How much salad can you eat?
Many vegetables can be eaten raw, but it can also be delicious to eat them first. cooking or grilling. The amount of vegetables which you use depends on your personal preference. A minimum of 250 grams per person is a good guideline, but more is always allowed and is rarely considered too much.
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