Although we guarantee that all meals are safe to consume within 5 days of receipt, due to popular demand, we now also offer the option to add a seventh meal to your box. This makes your subscription even more flexible and from now on you can enjoy a HelloFresh meal for an extra day, for example during lunch or when friends come over for dinner.
As always, check the expiration date on the label before consuming your ingredients and ensure that everything is kept refrigerated before use. Use your senses to check whether unlabeled products, such as fruits and vegetables, are still fresh. We will continue to mention the expiry date for consumption on the recipe card.
We recently added a 'Mindful choices' category to our menu. These recipes comply with European guidelines and guidelines from the World Health Organization (WHO) regarding healthy eating.
Calories: According to Regulation EU 1169/2011, the maximum intake per person is 2000 kcal per day. A HelloFresh meal is 40% of this daily intake, so a recipe may contain a maximum of 800 kcal (40% of 2000 kcal), in order to fall within the 'Mindful choices' category.
Salt: Given the WHO recommendation of max. 6 grams of salt per day and the fact that a HelloFresh meal is 40% of the daily nutritional intake, we strive to limit the salt content in our recipes. We consciously choose low-salt stock in our recipes, because it contains less salt but is just as tasty as normal stock. The Mindful choice recipes contain a maximum of 3.5 grams of salt. We also provide cooking tips on our recipe cards for salt-containing ingredients, so that you can adjust your salt intake as desired.
Vegetables: WHO sets a minimum of 80 grams of vegetables and/or fruit per meal (400 grams per day divided into 5 portions). At HelloFresh we use a minimum of 200 grams of uncooked vegetables for our Mindful choice recipes.
(Saturated) fat: We do not apply a maximum regarding (saturated) fats, because most of the recipes with high fat percentages are covered by the maximum calories per recipe. In addition, our culinary teams continuously work to improve our ingredients and recipes in order to minimize the fat content of recipes, where necessary.
What are the choices within our 'Mindful choices' category?
Caloriesmart: In addition to the above guidelines, Caloriesmart recipes have a maximum of 700 kcal per recipe.
Extra Vegetables: In addition to the above guidelines, Extra Vegetable recipes have a minimum of 250 grams of uncooked vegetables per recipe.
High Protein: In addition to the above guidelines, High Protein recipes obtain at least 20% of the recipe's energy from protein.
Source of Fiber: In addition to the above guidelines, Source of Fiber recipes have a minimum of 3 grams of fiber per 100 g or 1.5 grams of fiber per 100 calories.
Calories: According to Regulation EU 1169/2011, the maximum intake per person is 2000 kcal per day. A HelloFresh meal is 40% of this daily intake, so a recipe may contain a maximum of 800 kcal (40% of 2000 kcal), in order to fall within the 'Conscious Choices' category.
Salt: Given the WHO recommendation of max. 6 grams of salt per day and the fact that a HelloFresh meal is 40% of the daily nutritional intake, we strive to limit the salt content in our recipes. We consciously choose low-salt stock in our recipes, because it contains less salt but is just as tasty as normal stock. The Conscious Choice recipes contain a maximum of 3.5 grams of salt. We also provide cooking tips on our recipe cards for salt-containing ingredients, so that you can adjust your salt intake as desired.
Vegetables: WHO sets a minimum of 80 grams of vegetables and/or fruit per meal (400 grams per day divided into 5 portions). At HelloFresh we use a minimum of 200 grams of uncooked vegetables for our Conscious Choice recipes.
(Saturated) fats: We do not apply a maximum regarding (saturated) fats, because most of the recipes with high fat percentages are covered by the maximum calories per recipe. In addition, our culinary teams continuously work to improve our ingredients and recipes in order to minimize the fat content of recipes, where necessary.
What are the choices within our 'Conscious Choices' category? Within the 'Conscious Choices' category, we distinguish between different concepts in the field of conscious eating, taking into account strict guidelines from the Dutch Nutrition Center:
HelloFresh does everything it can to provide you with the best fresh ingredients and the best service. That is why we are very sorry to hear that something was wrong with the contents of your box.
Contact customer service for a refund or get an immediate credit on your online account if you solve your problem here reports.