The fajita is a real Tex-Mex classic. Tex stands for Texas, and Mex points towards the Tejanos, the Spanish-Mexican inhabitants of this state who established this cuisine.
The quantities provided above are averages only.
Always refer to the product label for the most accurate information about ingredients and allergens
½ piece
Red onion
50 g
Bell pepper strips
100 g
Seasoned minced beef
(May be present Mustard, Celery, Soy, Gluten, Egg)
1 piece
5 g
Fresh coriander
(May be present Celery)
25 g
Greek-style cheese
(Contains Milk)
½ piece
30 g
Smoky tomato ketchup
2 piece
Flour tortillas
(Contains Wheat May be present Mustard, Soy)
¼ tablespoon
Olive oil
1 tablespoon
Red wine vinegar
to taste
Tip 1: you can also heat the tortillas in the microwave or in a frying pan if preferred. In this case, no need to use the oven or aluminium foil for this recipe.
Tip 2: you can also add a pinch of sugar if preferred.
Tip: if you don't like raw bell pepper, fry all of it.