Bacon recipes
Looking for recipes with bacon? There are many different recipes available at HelloFresh. Be inspired by the bacon recipes and put the tastiest dishes on the table.
Best bacon recipes from HelloFresh
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Frequently asked questions about bacon recipes
What's the best way to fry bacon?
Heat a frying pan over medium heat and add a knob of butter. As soon as the butter has melted, fry the bacon on both sides until golden brown. a nice golden brown color. Then turn the heat down and let the bacon fry for about 5 minutes, turning them once halfway through.
How long should the bacon cook? simmer?
Season the bacon with salt, pepper or other spices of your choice. Heat a frying pan over high heat and add butter (or oil) as soon as the butter turns brown the bacon on both sides until they are brown. Then reduce the heat, pour a little hot water into the pan and let the bacon simmer slowly for about 45 minutes until they are done.
Where can be done? I season bacon with it?
You can use different spices such as paprika powder, ginger, coriander, cumin, fennel seeds and curry powder.
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