Asparagus recipes
Looking for recipes with asparagus? There are many different recipes available at HelloFresh. Be inspired by the asparagus recipes and put the tastiest dishes on the table.
Best asparagus recipes from HelloFresh
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Frequently asked questions about asparagus recipes
How to eat asparagus?
To prepare fresh white asparagus, simply peel the vegetable lightly until the blade glides effortlessly over the asparagus. Start just below the cup and peel downwards. Then cut off the bottom part. Finally, you can cook them in the traditional way for twenty minutes.
How many kilos of asparagus per person?
When you fresh If you prepare asparagus for a starter or side dish, 200 to 250 grams per person is often sufficient. If you use asparagus as a main course, 400 to 500 grams per person is usually a good portion.
How healthy? are asparagus?
Asparagus is very nutritious as it is packed with antioxidants, folic acid and vitamin K.
Can you eat asparagus eat it completely?
It is best to peel white asparagus and cut off the bottom. Green asparagus, on the other hand, often does not need to be peeled, but just cut off the bottom part.
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